Encoded Media Downloads
Video Publisher
Makes recording and broadcasting to any size audience as easy as sending email. The interface is easy for a novice to operate, yet powerful enough to help the most experienced user deliver video quickly and professionally
IPTV Manager
Makes the monitoring and management of TV Server, HD Encoder, SD Encoder and IPTV set-top box appliances a snap. Features automatic device discovery, real time dashboard, freeform search and virtual remote control
IPTV Manager Desktop Remote Control
Send remote commands to any number of Encoded Media IPTV set-top boxes using a virtual IR remote control on your desktop.
Remote Support Tool (TeamViewer)
To allow Encoded Media helpdesk agents to support your products remotely
McTest (Multicast Test) Client
For the diagnosis and troubleshooting of multicast network issues
IPTV400 Server Update
For patching TV Server and HD Encoder appliances with IPTV400 endpoint middleware