Browsing your TV Server recordings from a Windows or Mac desktop

Every TV Server or Omni-Server appliance can be accessed simply and easily from both Windows and Mac desktops.

From your Windows desktop

  1. Click the Start button (Windows XP users, choose Run from the Start Menu).
  2. In the field at the bottom, type the following and then hit the  Enter key:


    being sure to substitute  your.server.ip with the actual IP address of your TV Server or Omni-Server.

From your Mac desktop

  1. From your Finder menu, click Connect to Server.
  2. In the  Server Address field, type the following and then hit the Enter key:


    being sure to substitute  your.server.ip with the actual IP address of your TV Server or Omni-Server.

Once connected, you may be challenged for your TV Server or Omni-Server username and password.