Username and password for TV Server and HD Encoder appliances
TV Server and HD Encoder appliances ship with a factory-set username and password for accessing the web interface and also the console interface.
Platform 2.10 and later
Web interface and console interface
Username: admin
Password: admin
Changing user passwords
TV Server and HD Encoder appliances running version 2.10 and later platforms allow user passwords to be changed from the web interface. Changing a password is a simple process outlined below.
- Access the first appliance's web admin interface
- Click Advanced in the left navigation, then select Users
- Highlight the user whose password you wish to change, and click the Set Password button in the menu above
- Provide the new password, confirm the existing password, then press OK to save
Platform 2.8 and earlier
Web interface
Username: admin
Password: admin
Console interface
Username: tvserveradmin
Password: tvserver
In the interests of security, you should change the default passwords shown and ensure that access to your TV Server is controlled and monitored by your network administrator.